Sexy Christmas calendars for adults have arrived!

Seksilelut ja seksivälineet by Samuli K., 4.9.2024

Christmas is coming again, and with it comes adult advent calendars! You can add a touch of excitement and playfulness to the anticipation of Christmas with an advent calendar designed for adults, filled with surprises and pleasures. This blog takes you on a journey into the world of adult advent calendars: what they contain, what kinds of options are available, and how to choose the best calendar for you or your partner.

Why choose an adult advent calendar?

Adult advent calendars offer a unique way to celebrate Christmas while deepening an intimate relationship. They can bring new sparks to everyday life and help couples get to know each other more deeply. Here are some reasons why adult advent calendars are an excellent choice:

  • Surprise factor: Each door offers a new surprise, adding excitement.

  • Intimacy: Helps couples create closeness and intimate moments.

  • Playfulness: Gives permission to play and try things that might be overlooked in everyday life.

  • Expression of love: Adult advent calendars can also serve as a beautiful gift for your partner.

Contents of adult advent calendars

Every adult advent calendar has its own unique theme and content. The most common contents in adult advent calendars are:

1. Sex toys

There are many sex toys on the market today, and many calendars contain surprises such as:

2. Intimate products

Both playful and practical options for your advent calendar can be intimate products such as:

3. Love and flirting games

Christmas is also a time for play. Love and flirting games can be a fun way to rediscover each other. These can include, for example:

  • Questions that spark conversation
  • Challenges that encourage trying new things
  • Games focused on sharing kisses or touches

How to choose the right adult advent calendar?

Choosing an adult advent calendar can be a personal decision, but there are a few factors that can help you select the best option:

1. Budget

Adult advent calendars come in different price ranges. Before making a selection, consider how much you are willing to invest. Generally, more expensive calendars contain higher-quality products and more surprises.

2. Theme

Choose a calendar that fits your relationship style and preferences. Is it important for you to play and try new things? Or are you perhaps looking for more romantic moments?

3. Quality

Ensure that the calendar you choose contains high-quality products. It's a good idea to check reviews and recommendations before making a purchase decision.

Adult advent calendars and community

Ask your partner what they think about adult advent calendars. Many couples have their own opinions and experiences. This conversation can lead to valuable moments and ideas on how you can approach Christmas together.

Community and sharing

You can also join online discussion groups and forums where users share their own experiences with adult advent calendars. Here are a few examples:

  • Reddit
  • Facebook groups discussing adult products

Final recommendations

  • Remember, the event is not just a purchase decision; it is, above all, an experience.
  • Consider whether you can share this experience with friends or family, which could create even more community.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things and dive deeper into your sexuality and intimacy.


Adult advent calendars offer a fun, playful, and intimate way to celebrate Christmas. They are a perfect choice for anyone looking to add a touch of excitement and closeness in honor of the holiday season. Whether it's a sex toy, intimate product, or love game, each calendar offers a unique combination of surprises and experiences.

The holiday season is the perfect opportunity to get to know your partner better and try something new. So choose your calendar, open each door with excitement, and enjoy your journey toward joy and intimacy.

Comment and share

How do you celebrate Christmas with your partner? Do you have experiences with adult advent calendars? Share your stories and tips on social media!

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