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Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator

Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator

Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator
Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator
Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator
Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator
Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator

54,90 + delivery costs
Incl. VAT 25.5 %
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Product description
Translated by GoogleShow original

Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator is a sex toy designed for men that offers an authentic experience. This realistic artificial vagina, also known as a realistic masturbator, is the perfect choice for pleasurable masturbation. The adult dildo is carefully designed so that every use is as pleasant and full of pleasure as possible. The Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator is made of high quality TPE material that feels soft and real.

At the top of the Best Artificial Vaginas 2024 category, Star Strokers Keisha Gray is more than just an artificial vagina. This realistic artificial vagina offers intense and pleasurable stimulation that will keep you coming back for more. The patterned interior and unobtrusive case make this male masturbator the perfect choice for both home and travel.

The cover of the case has a convenient holder for a smartphone, so you can enjoy free video material that can be downloaded on top of the store at the same time. This sex toy for men develops a gentle milking suction that takes pleasure to a new level. The Star Strokers masturbator is easy to clean and keep clean, so you can focus on enjoyment without worries.

  • A very enjoyable masturbator
  • A discreet case with a smartphone holder
  • Patterned interior that caresses and stimulates
  • Develops wonderful milking suction
  • Free video material available for download
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • High-quality TPE material
  • Dimensions: 22 cm x 7.0 cm
  • Warranty 2 years
  • Very fast and discreet delivery in a day
  • Buy now and pay later
Keisha Gray Masturbator User Experiences
  1. Mikko, 32 vuotta: "Olen kokeillut monia aikuisten leluja miehille, mutta Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator on ehdottomasti paras. Sen aidontuntuinen tekopillu tekee jokaisesta käyttökerrasta upean kokemuksen. Kuvioitu sisäosa ja lypsävä imu ovat täydellisiä, ja kotelon älypuhelinteline on kätevä lisä."

  2. Janne, 45 years: "This male masturbator is amazing. The Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator offers an authentic experience that is in a class of its own. It is easy to clean and keep clean, which is a big plus. I recommend it to anyone who wants a quality and enjoyable artificial vagina. "

  3. Antti, 28 years: "I was skeptical at first, but the Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator completely surprised me. This adult toy is really realistic and feels great. I especially enjoy the smartphone holder in the case and the free video material, which make the whole experience even better."
Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator is an authentic and enjoyable masturbator for men. This realistic artificial vagina offers incredible stimulation and easy cleaning. Buy now!

Order the Star Strokers Keisha Gray Masturbator now and experience authentic pleasure. Fast and discreet delivery!

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 253 x 90 x 92 mm.

0,58 kg(Includes the weight of the packaging)

24 month(s)

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