You have always wanted a bigger and more massive penis. Then this rugged penis pump is just for you!
In this easy-to-use penis enhancer, suction is obtained with just a few flexes of the fingers. Massive suction and a wonderfully sturdy stand-off just waiting to arrive. Combine the experience with an effective penis ring and you're all set!
Order your own powerful penis pump now discreetly and quickly delivered!
Saving tip :
Do you already have lube? If not, we highly recommend using it with this product for maximum enjoyment.
Some sex toy materials may react with each other. So we don't recommend storing your sex toys in a toy box. Keep your sex toys separate from each other, even by wrapping them in cheesecloth or other suitable cloth. Do not store your favorites in sunlight or in extremely cold or hot conditions. Sex toys also don't like moisture. Remember to remove the batteries from the toys whenever you are not using them.