Overall rating | (1 review) |
Jes-Extender has been tested in clinical studies by respected doctors and surgeons. The product also has the European Union's CE mark, which is granted only to products that meet the EU's strict safety standards. The product is rated as a first-class medical device, so this high-quality and effective product is proven not to endanger health in any way.
Clinically proven results
The following is a summary of the research report (Tractive Elongation of the Penis by Means of Stretching by Jørn Ege Siana, MD, Scandinavian) presented at the 1st International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery, held in Barcelona on April 6-8, 1998 Clinic of Plastic Surgery, Copenhagen).
Average results of Jes-Extender treatment:
- 2.8 cm increase in erection length after 1100 hours (1200 g) of traction treatment
- growth in resting length 1.9 cm.
- the average weekly growth was 1.9 mm
- no complications were observed
Treatment also for a curved penis!
Do you suffer from a curved penis? Jes-Extender is the solution to the problem. Numerous men suffer from low self-esteem caused by a curved penis. During the more than ten years that Jes-Extender has been manufactured, the curvature of the penis has been proven to be corrected with the help of the product. The results are proven in clinical tests supervised by doctors.
By exposing the penis to traction force, the curvature is corrected. By exposing the penis to traction force, the curvature is corrected. In some cases, the curvature of the penis prevents sexual intercourse. It is reasonable to assume that the attraction force provided by Jes-Extender® will reduce the number of connective tissue nodules and plaques. With Jes-Extender®, the curvature of the penis can be treated.
The operation of Jes-Extender™ was the subject of research presented at the 1st International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery held in Barcelona in 1998. The research carried out by Jørn Ege Siana, PhD, of the Plastic Surgery Clinic in Copenhagen, was called Tractive Elongation of the Penis by Means of Stretch.
Many urologists and plastic surgeons find the device so effective that they continue to use it in their clinics and hospitals. Now the device is also available to the general public. Jes-Extender has been tested in clinical studies by respected doctors and surgeons. The product also has the European Union's CE mark, which is granted only to products that meet the EU's strict safety standards.
The product is rated as a first-class medical device, so this high-quality and effective product is proven not to endanger health in any way.