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Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf

Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf

Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf
Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf
Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf
Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf
Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf
Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves Cream Puf

79,00 + delivery costs
Incl. VAT 25.5 %
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Available in stock
Central warehouse13 pcs immediately
Seksilelukauppa Hot Lips Helsinki2 pcs
Seksilelukauppa Hot Lips Lahti2 pcs
Available in the webstore13 pcs immediately


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Product description
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Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves will give you a wonderful and truly intense experience!

Experience a completely new and unprecedentedly pleasurable sensation in the grip of the intense patterning of the Kenzie Reeve Fleshlight. In less than a year, Kenzie has already been awarded several of the most prestigious awards in the industry. Now you can enjoy her amazing ride exactly when it suits you!

Powerful suction and all-round stimulation

The insert is designed from the outside directly from Kenzie Reeves' delicious and juicy pussy. The insert's pattern is really tight and every stroke of it caresses your cock precisely and pleasurably. The insert and this Fleshlight give a really enjoyable and exciting feeling as your rock hard cock moves back and forth inside it pleasurably.

The material is completely in a class of its own

Fleshlight's patented Fleshlight SuperSkin® is by far the most realistic-feeling material in the world for a dildo. It's the result of decades of tireless and diligent development. When you try it for the first time, you know there's no going back.

Enjoyable adjustable suction

The Fleshlight casing creates a pleasurable suction that you can easily adjust by tightening and loosening the casing cap. How long can you last the amazing suction without ejaculating? Try it!

Order the truly authentic Kenzie Reeves Fleslight Girls from us now quickly and reliably!

Savings tip:
Do you already have a lubricant? If not, we highly recommend using it with this product for maximum pleasure.

Some sex toy materials may react with each other. We therefore do not recommend storing your sex toys in a toy box. Store your sex toys separately, even by wrapping them in gauze or other suitable fabric. Do not store your favorites in sunlight or in extremely cold or hot conditions. Sex toys also do not like moisture. Remember to remove the batteries from toys whenever you are not using them.

Product features:

  • Super realistic Fleshlight Girls Kenzie Reeves masturbator
  • Patented Fleshlight SuperSkin material
  • The casing develops a pleasurable suction
  • Easy to keep clean
  • Really versatile pattern inside
  • Does not contain latex
  • Does not contain phthalates
  • Total length 25.5 cm
  • Usable length approx. 21 cm
  • Insert inner diameter 1.5 cm - 3.0 cm
  • The widest point of the case is 9.6 cm.
  • Kenzie Reeves facts:
    • Length 148 cm
    • Weight 45 kg
    • Breast size 32B
    • Favorite position: Piledriver
    • Hometown: New Hampshire

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 100 x 290 x 100 mm.

0,744 kg(Includes the weight of the packaging)

24 month(s)

Return rate

Country of origin

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