A completely new, conveniently sized vibrator with a larger than normal tip. This makes it possible to install an even more efficient engine. And that allows much more enjoyment for you!
A design that fits the entire body and first-class materials and components. The flexible tip significantly increases the comfort of use, which you will notice yourself.
The vibrator's material is first-class silicone and its feel is extremely luxurious. The rechargeable battery is enough to enjoy one and a half hours in one go.
It is very easy to use. One button to start and + and - buttons for different options. And the options are 5 different vibration modes and 3 different intensities.
Order your own nimble orgasm machine now by adding it to your shopping cart today. Pay the bill only after a month.
P.S. The product has a 2-year warranty - so buy completely risk-free
Saving tip:
Do you already have lube? If not, we highly recommend using it with this product for maximum enjoyment.
Some sex toy materials may react with each other. So we don't recommend storing your sex toys in a toy box. Keep your sex toys separate from each other, even by wrapping them in cheesecloth or other suitable cloth. Do not store your favorites in sunlight or in extremely cold or hot conditions. Sex toys also don't like moisture. Remember to remove the batteries from the toys whenever you are not using them. Also remember to charge the batteries of your favorite toys at regular intervals. Batteries may be damaged if they are not charged for a long time.